I Need Some Time Time Away

I need to take some time away from this blog. Yesterday I just finished another 5 day week at the humane society. I will learn how to say no. I switched jobs because the one I had wasn’t keeping me busy enough more about that next time. Every day I came home from those 6 hour shifts I was so tired I fell asleep in the recliner around 8 pm, my sleep schedule is a mess. The apartment above me had its water heater blow out the back which caused a major leak in my place. It came in the bathroom, hall closet and main closets ceilings. I had to clear out all of that stuff and dry it out, wash all of my clothes that were hanging up and I guess I was lucky the only thing that was ruined were my leather funeral shoes. I still have all of that stuff stacked all over my living room with a path leading in and out. I found 6 different to do list the other day I am so far behind in my real life it is pathetic. When my real life butts up against my virtual life this badly I have to take care of my real life first. Then add on the fact that my passions are changing. I still don’t have any urge to unpack my camera and I will start my new blog before I post on this one again. I have only been away a couple of days and looked at my email this morning and am staring at about 100 different post. I wont even try to catch up with all of those. The best I can do is pick one from each person I follow and catch up with it. Once I start back up again I will commit myself to posting once a week on this site because I don’t want to lose track of all of you or your post. I looked the other day and some how I have ended up following 50 blogs, that is part of the reason I have fallen so far behind. I have already gotten rid of 5 and some of the new ones are only following me here because of my new site. I still will have to get rid of some more though. I was going to take two or three weeks off but then that would put me to close to Christmas when I would take off again so I will probably be off of this site the rest of the year. My new blog will be about my struggles of trying to go from a vegetarian to a vegan. I will offer a link to it the next time I post other than that I wont talk about it in this blog. I do ask that you don’t follow me on my new blog just because its me, because it wont be anything like this blog. It will be full of recipes reblogs and guest speakers. I have to come up with a new pin name so my new post don’t show up on your readers to keep you all from getting confused. Then I will have to sign in and out every time I switch blogs so I will be confused. I am probably taking on too much but I have to give it a try.
I have a blog I follow that I refer as a hidden gem, this girl writes a lot like me she just blurts out what ever comes into Her head. She only has two or three followers. I am not asking you to follow Her blog, I would never do that. If you have the time you might want to take a peek at it, the choice is yours 🙂


Random Thoughts 11/11/13

I was going to do the dog post I promised today but I don’t have a after photo to post. I am not about to wake up my sleeping dog to take a picture of Him.

I was so tired and sore after walking the dogs for 4 hours on Saturday and Sunday, I had to take some muscle relaxers last night. I fell asleep watching TV and woke up about midnight, not rested but unable to go to sleep. I have too much to do today to go in and I start in my regular position on Tuesday. A couple of you commented on my post the other day about their dogs pulling on the leash and it was hard to walk them. The Humane Society uses a leash call the Weiss leash, which helps quite a bit. Here is a link that describes how they work. http://www.puplife.com/products/weiss-walkie. When your dog pulls on the leash you just stop until He does then reward Him with a treat. He will soon get the idea not to pull so hard on the leash. This lease is not made for small dogs.

I did my laundry this morning, will try to finish this post,catch up on the blogs I follow then back to bed. I just get used to using the reader now there is a box that pops up that says take me to the original post, another step in what was a quick way to catch up. Is this something I did or is everybody having the same problem ?

The upcoming holidays, I wanted to get this out of the way, because a couple of post have come up already. Before I start I don’t want any pity comments on this, I despise them and that is not the purpose, If you do give me a pity comment I will just delete it.

I used to get a big kick out of the holidays but not anymore, I am an unofficial Grinch. You have to realize that spending these holidays all alone can be very depressing. I resolve this by eating my little waist off. On thanksgiving I go to Ihop and eat all the stuff I normally wouldn’t, put on a pound or two then diet them back off.

Christmas is kind of weird even for me,I enjoy listening to Christmas songs and even sing along with them, out loud when in private or in my head in public. This one depresses me the most bring up way to many good memories. Normally for this one I get a motel room for two or three days, disconnect from everything on the web and once again eat way to much. This time I hit the buffets and dig into pies and ice cream.

The reason I wrote this is the closer they come the more stories you will write about them. I wont ignore your post but my comments will be kind of lame because I don’t want to ruin the holidays for anyone else. During Christmas I will probably just disappear for a few days from this site.

I am also someday going to start another blog that has to do with something that is important to me but I think only a couple of my friends would befit from it. I know this is crazy, I can hardly keep up with this blog.

One last thing I still am loosing followers again. If you have caught up with me and I haven’t caught up with you in 36 hours let me know. You can just email if you prefer at xbox2121@yahoo.com. If you haven’t caught up with me I am probably just ignoring you until you do. I am done jabbering onwards to catch up then hopefully back to bed.

Quick Post 11/8/13

So much to write about and so little time. Hopefully I can get the post about my dog up later this weekend.
Quick update, finished my last class at the Humane Society last night about 10pm. It was a CF in there last night, 25 people trying to walk dogs all at once with 4 volunteers helping out. Everybody including myself got lost couldn’t find the two doors outside, dog piss and puke all over the floors, people slipping and falling. It was actually pretty funny looking back on it. They use this thing call a Weiss collar there. It hooks to the dog collar then you wrap it around the dogs chest, loop it through, so when the dog pulls on the leash like many dogs do it puts pressure on their chest forcing them not to pull so hard. I had a 150 pound lab and had no problem controlling Him with this leash.
Then everybody left except me and the staff member who taught the course. I had to go one step further and walk an aggressive dog who was in their for biting people. She stuck me with a 200 plus pound Saint Bernard who I had to muzzle for safety. This big bruiser damm near dislocated my shoulder. The lady gave off a little laugh and said let me show you how. She grabbed the leash, the dog took off and she fell on her ass letting go of the dog. After about 10 minutes of chasing this dog all around the huge complex I got a hold of Him and put Him back in His kennel. Naturally I passed the finial part of all of this training. Every time I have been up their I have run into the volunteer coordinator and He has always called me by name, something I could never figure out until a couple of days ago. He asked me a day ago If I was the same Person that lived in Hayesville in the early 70’s. I said yes and long story short when He was a kid He used to come over to my house. His mom and my ex were good friends at the time. I lied and said sure I remember you. This guy will be my boss and told me to give Him a call this morning when they open, in less than an hour and He would get me in for my one on one interview with Him today instead of waiting the usual week.
Enough said, If I don’t have time to catch up with every one this morning I will before I go to bed tonight.

Random Thoughts 11/4/13

First let me get some negative crap out of the way. I don’t even care if you read this part , I just need to write it down. Details on this are intentionally absent, sometimes I share too much and this is one of those times. I have been known to adjust my psych meds up our down as needed, something I know better but I still do it. I was out walking the dog the other morning about 4 am. Oh yea I got a dog more to follow on that in a post all of its own. I ran into a couple of drunk kids in their late 20’s. This has happened before and I have been able to talk my way out of the problem. This time they grabbed me then kicked my dog. Then it happened I snapped and my dark side came out. I put the larger one on the ground and the one who kicked my dog I used to much force because I was pissed off and he ended up in the hospital with several broken ribs. Normally I would have felt bad about this but this time I didn’t. I got away with the whole thing because they didn’t know me. It did however have ramifications. I got an ass chewing from my pill pusher, Physical therapist and a weekly appointment with my hardcore therapist.
That same day I was over at the office where I live, still in a pissy mood and got into an argument with the manager about the apartment I live in now. I wore her down so much she agreed to let me move to another place without waiting the normal six months so I could get my dish back up and my 4G to work all day long. The only positive think to come out of this.
******Please don’t comment on this part ******

Quickly moving on.

I now have my 4G back up until about 9 am then I lose it. The wifi at the clubhouse is down now so on days like yesterday when I had a chance to catch up I had to go to MacDonald’s and use my damm phone again. So once again I apologize for my lack of comments on your post it takes forever to do on my phone. Plus after my 2 day absence I had about 60 post to address.

I am pretty excited about this week. I have my orientation at the Humane Society tomorrow. Then on Wednesday I have a 4 hour animal handling course, followed on Thursday with a 8 hour dog handling course because of the areas I picked to volunteer in. Somewhere mixed in all of that I have meeting with a counselor to see what area I fit in and they need the most help. Normally they don’t want you to volunteer more than 4 hours a day. I want to do 8 hours a day three times a week. I just wont do more than 3 days a week or it will become a job. So I guess its up to them how much they need or want my help.

I started staying up an hour later than two hours to get myself more on a schedule with the normal world. The result was I now sleep a good five hours or more at night,something I haven’t done in years. It has made a world of difference in how I feel and even think.

With all I have going on, much more than I want to share on this post, my time on here may be reduced even further. I struggle now to post twice a week and keep up. I can no longer make the promise I will always keep up with all of your post. Someone told me in a comment the other day that the real world kept getting in Her way, that seems to be my case for now. I just don’t know only time will tell.

I forgot a couple of things. The gremlins at WordPress are back at me again. I am loosing friends I didn’t mean to. I have finally switched to using the reader when on my computer. It doesn’t work well on my phone because It always goes back to the first post when I exit one. I still have the emails coming so I can use them on the phone.

Change Is In The Air

My life is undergoing a lot of major changes now, all of them positive some long overdue. I used to be able to say I have more time on my hands than money. Now a lot of free time is something I don’t have.

Last week I started Physical Therapy backup for my back. I am now using the decompression machine again. This device just straps in your lower and upper body and gently pulls on them reliving the compression on my affected disk. I had four treatments last week and have already quit using my muscle relaxants and pain pills. I am not drowsy all the time anymore and have quickly reverted back to my normal four hours of sleep a night with only one nap during the day to give me a total of six hours a day that’s all I need. This week I start going in twice a day five days a week. The first session they have me practicing on a portable version of this device that they ordered for me to use at home. The second session is even more advanced exercises to strengthen my back and core muscles. This should last about a month before they turn me loose.

My home program will then go from two 30 minute sessions to three one hour sessions seven days a week. I have to commit myself to this because if I don’t and continue to put this off I could mess around and end up with a rod in my back that holds the four disk in place. I wouldn’t even be able to bend over if that happened.

This whole dish mess I had going on may have been a good thing looking back. Yea it cost me some money but I was already recording a bunch of shows and wasting five or six hours a day watching them. Now with my antenna hooked back up I can still watch most of the football games I want plus two or three hours in the evening watching some shows I really enjoy. I still hate watching live TV but down the road I can pick up a DVR for 100 bucks and record the shows to watch the next day.

I also need to finish my apartment set up and prep and paint the old seventies ugly wooden kitchen cupboards white. I like the look and made a deal with the devil or the property manager to let me paint these, they even provide the paint. It is a water based paint which is a pain to cover wood with but with time I can do it.

I have given a lot of thought lately on two main things. The first is if I want to take on the responsibility of owning a dog again or not. This is a serious commitment for me and I am still working on that, There are positive and negative aspects to this I need to dwell on. The other is, I wont be able to go back to work part-time until next spring when my back should be strong enough. I have decided in the mean time to give some time back into the community by volunteering about 20 hours a week. There are many worthwhile ways to do this, I am just about convinced to do it at the Humane Society. I have always had a love for dogs and have gotten all of my past pets from there. I find the whole idea of buying dogs from breeders that all to frequently use puppy mills for their dogs, a bit repulsive when there are so many surplus already at the Humane Society that will be put to sleep if someone doesn’t take them.

I could go on but in short I need to break this prognostication cycle I have been stuck in. This time I have been talking about, for the next couple of months has to come from this site. I will only post twice a week, once the wordless Wednesday which is a very easy post until I run out of good old photos, then if time permits post once during the weekend. Even with all of this going on I still think I can keep up with all of my friends, I may not be able to comment as much as I like only time will tell. I will not post if I am not caught up or close to being caught up.

Now I am off for my morning cappuccino before I catch up with everyone.


Random Thoughts 10/5/13

I am tired of writing about the universe crap on my head, the other day I actually got one pile of it off my head.

I knew I was in trouble when I picked up my unexpected guest from the airport and she had three suitcases and a carry on. Even I knew that was a bit much for a “short visit” as she called it. We had already discussed her moving in here prior to coming yet her she was bags in hand. Since she was here I decided to give it a try for a while even though I knew it was doomed before it began. This girl makes good money as a graphic arts designer,she is a year younger than my daughter and very attractive. What the heck she see’s in me I will never figure out. Outside of the bedroom we have very little in common other than the fact she is into healthy eating as well.

She was here about 24 hours before she started using the words that send shivers down my spine. We could, we should, we can. It’s that damm we word. She didn’t like my collection of old and wall mart furniture I had or the older apartment I lived in. She had her eye on another complex down the road that goes for about 300 a month more than my rent. It is larger and only about ten years old. She suggested to buy out my lease at a cost of about 1100 dollars, move all of my stuff, minus my furniture, move her nicer solid oak furniture down here from Florida and bring down her BMW. Total cost to me nothing.

The first night here she took me out to eat because that is what she is used to in Her busy life she doesn’t have time to cook. She was dressed in a fancy pants suit, I had on my blue jeans but I did dress up a bit and put on one of my sports shirts. Then came something I knew would come up, these suggestions always start with a honey or dear in front of them. She wanted to take me shopping the next day and buy me some slacks, nicer shirts and even shoes. My reply was are you F ing crazy I don’t wear that kind of stuff I don’t even own a pair of slacks outside of my funeral suit. I could write another five paragraphs on how the visit went but I am getting bored with this post.

In the end after about a week I sent her home. I just couldn’t get her to understand I am set in my ways and to old for any major changes in my lifestyle. I forget to mention even though I knew that I would send her home I asked my Daughter about it and her words were “ run pops its a trap” she knows me way to well.

I have tried out far to many relationships in the last 15 years and all of them end up with one thing in common. Women can’t help themselves, they all want to change or mold a man into what they want. I wont say all women are like that but every one I have come across does. I could have used this women and gotten a lot of nicer things out of it but as much as I hate to admit it even I have a set of morale’s I live by.

One last thing fall has finally arrived here it has been in the upper 80’s all week, unseasonably hot. Last night a cold front came through High today 60 the temp now is 45 and I need to go get my morning cup of cappuccino before I catch up on all of my friends post.

I have my antenna hooked back up and have 9 hours of collage football to watch today live, what a pain no fast forward through half time or commercials 🙂

Random Thoughts 9/28/13

Yea I know I said I would stay off of here during my move for a while. But I feel a good old-fashioned rant coming so you may want to duck and cover. My unexpected guest is flying in tomorrow and I have to pick her up at the airport. This could complicate my life a lot so I have some hard decisions to make in the next week or two depending on where this goes.

My dream apartment seems to be cursed. I don’t believe in curses but this place has me scratching my head anyway.

The good: I did get the location, floor plan and new carpet like I wanted. New carpet is a big deal because only about 20 apartments have it so far out of the 400 or so in this complex. The old style was this off white color that showed every bit of dirt and stains. The new type is a two tone dark and light brown. I would guess estimate this place puts my about ¼ mile closer to all the places I walk to. My mail box is only about 50 steps round trip. This also puts me closer to the places I walk to every day so at least my five mile walking has come back since I have moved. I knew my data stream for my computer would be lower and it is but I am still getting decent 4 g speeds so that saved me 250 bucks so far any way because I don’t have to buy the cell signal booster.

The bad: I am surrounded by college age kids. I started this post about 2:30 Am and it sounds like party central out there. If I ever get unpacked enough to find my radio it will block out their sounds enough. When I sleep I just turn on my floor fan and that blocks the sound as well. I don’t blame the kids I did the same thing when I was their age. The place I left was so quiet and peaceful at this time of morning compared to this one. I will adjust though, I always do. I don’t mind moving but I do hate to unpack, things always pack quicker than they come out. The whole layout is different here so I have to put my stuff in different places than the last place. I need my computer desk near glass to get the best signal so I was forced to put it in the bedroom next to the window. Right now I have a full size bed, my computer desk and a dresser crammed into this bedroom. In the living room all I have is my TV and large stand, recliner and an end table the rest is very empty. It works for me now any way.

The ugly: When I chose this apartment everybody at the office told me I would be able to hook up my satellite dish. When I looked at the property layout it appeared I would be able to get a line of sight at 102 degrees. The installer came out yesterday and there is a tree with two huge limbs that prevented my installation. I made him get out this device he has to measure line of sight and sure enough they were in the way. I called dish network and they told me it was my responsibility when I moved to make sure I had line of site. This makes sense. Then they lowered the boom on me. Because I am basically breaking a contract with them, I owe them 480 dollars. I told them I didn’t have it to sue my ass. Which is actually true until the first. I was able to tell a big enough sob story to get them to suspend my account for six months, then I have to pay them in full. I hate damm contracts. So no football games for me this season. To add a little more stuff on my head, I walked over to the c store this morning to get a cappuccino and it started to rain pretty heavy, so I got all soaked. As I was walking back I was cussing the universe, it did no good but it did make me feel better, just as writing this down has done.

Random Thoughts 9/21/13

My sleep has finally gone back to fairly normal. I got my four solid hours last night,that’s about as good as it gets for me.

I finished packing my second and last small box this morning now all I have is the four 60 gallon totes I use to move with all of the time. Started several piles of stuff to take over myself and put in the totes. My place is a big mess but a organized one. I am back on track and will be ready by next Thursday, if I don’t burn up all day and night today watching collage football.

We had a cold front come through a couple of days ago and the temps have only been in the very low 80’s with the lows around 60. This is perfect weather for me, get to open the house up and air it out every day and even sleep with a light blanket on. This is Kansas though and in a few days backup into the upper 80’s with high humidity.

I went to two different post offices yesterday which took about an hour to pick up a change of address packet. They were both out and the others were way over on the other side of town. Frustrated I came home did a simple search and found out you can do this all online. Not one of those postal workers even offered this advice to me. I am not a fan of the over paid postal workers to start with. Our government continues to throw billions at the broken down system instead of letting it die. There are plenty of private companies that could come in and take this mess over. But this system of lobbyist in the government have too much power to let that happen. Besides it is pretty much a useless service except for people older than me. I only check my mail a couple of times a week. The only thing I use it for are a couple of magazines I get and the notices the VA sends out to remind me of an upcoming appointment which is another waste of time and money. This is 2013 most people use the power of the internet to pay bills and order things. I say let it go away completely, just my onion on the whole mess. Apparently I needed to get that off my chest, don’t have a clue how I even started on the subject. It just came spilling out of my brain.

Now that my brain has freed up some space I can continue with my day 🙂

Random Thoughts 9/9/13

I have been struggling with the title of all things for post like these where I just set down and type what ever spills out. I have brain dumps which usually contain a few raves, my last one didn’t. Others include bits and pieces, this and that and some others that don’t come to mind this morning. I have decided to combine all of them in a new category called Random thoughts which is actually part of My Blogs title.

Saturday and Sunday I spent the majority of the two days watching college football and sleeping. TV 2 hours sleep two hours. I would guess I slept 14 hours in a 24 hour period. It’s no secret my sleeping habits are different so usually my body and brain surrender in an attempt to catch up and reset by sleeping a bunch about one a week. Yesterday was the slowest Sunday I have seen yet in my circle of friends so it was easy to stay caught up. It didn’t hurt either that I quit following 10 more blogs over the last week.

The lady who rents the apartment I want to move into is supposed to turn in her keys today, I was walking by Her place the other day and saw it had a cat in it. I am highly allergic to cat dander. They say the steam cleaner will get it out so I will wait and  see. Then the clock starts ticking. Once I put a hold on the apartment I have 14 days to move in, paint my place get my dish moved, take down my old dish and clean my place. That 14 days is also misleading because the maintenance team has to get in there and fix what they need to, the carpets have to be cleaned.

So I really only have about seven days to schedule a move, get dish out here to reconnect my dish and paint. I had a maintenance man who was going to paint my place for 100 bucks which is dirt cheap. I just couldn’t depend on Him to get this place painted in time on one weekend. I talked to Hilary, Her husband is a contractor and even though He hates to paint hopefully I can get Him out here this week to paint. It will cost a lot more but I am in a crunch. If not I have to pay the apartment itself some huge fee to paint it. This morning I have to leave for my Dentist appointment about 8AM drive 45 minutes south to get there then about 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to the south side of the town I live in to schedule a move. All on my three hours of sleep last night missing one of my main nap times. I hate soda but today I will have to hit up the diet mountain dew to stay awake.

Sometime over the weekend I was on the computer and forgot to turn off my hot spot, some might call, it how I connect with the web like the older modem. Even when you are not online this thing is constantly looking for something to connect to which uses data. It must have been on a long time because I lost almost 2GB of my allotted 10GB. This means I will be forced to use mostly wifi until the 16th when I star all over. I will be on my phone most of the time so my comments may be shorter than normal. Right after I post this I will take my phone down to the laundry room here and catch up. One good thing it wont be crowed at 3:30 in the morning.